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Kelly Osbaldiston
Aug 26, 20233 min read
Stagnancy vs. Growth: Understanding Familiar and Unfamiliar Discomfort
We're told to step out of our comfort zone, but is it possible to get too comfortable with the uncomfortable? Let's break this down!
Kelly Osbaldiston
Aug 14, 20235 min read
Comfort vs. Care: Eliminating the Quick-Fixes and Embracing Long-Term Mindfulness
At times, we don't realize that comfort isn't always what we need, especially when it becomes a distraction from your healing.
Kelly Osbaldiston
May 10, 20234 min read
Seeing Beyond the Defining Moments: Why I Am Shifting My Coaching Business
As a transformational life coach, one of the most powerful tools I can offer my clients is the ability to see beyond their defining...
Kelly Osbaldiston
Aug 27, 20221 min read
Why You Should Focus on What You Do Have, Instead of What You Don’t: My LinkedIn Interview
I'm so excited to announce my interview with Chief Communications Officer, TEDx Speaker, Writer & Executive Coach, Shira Miller...
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